Having a baby is a big change in your life. All the magazines are talking about the feeling of being on cloud nine, but not all women feel this way. A lot of women find the first period very intense, because your whole world changes when you have a baby. The sleepless nights and the recovery of your body after childbirth also play a part.
Postnatal crying
During the first few days, you may experience “postnatal crying”. This is completely normal, and it will pass after a little while. If it does not pass, do not keep walking around with it too long, talk to us, your partner, a friend or a person you trust. About 10% of the women gets depression after childbirth. These feelings can already develop during pregnancy. Or after a miscarriage or abortion.
Reasons for depression
It is usually a combination of factors causing depression. The physical changes and changes in the hormonal balance also play a part. Sometimes, the reason is a low level of vitamin B12 or disrupted thyroid values. The experience with childbirth can also be a factor in these kinds of feelings.
Symptoms of a depression
- Significantly less enjoyment of things you enjoyed a lot before.
- Feeling constantly empty and sad.
- Mulling and brooding.
- No appetite.
- Restless nights.
- Feeling restless and slow.
- Reduced concentration.
- Fear and tension without a clear cause.
- Feeling irritable.
- Feeling of worthlessness or guilt.
- Recurring thoughts about dying.
Do you recognise these feelings? Talk to your partner or someone close to you. Contact us and your doctor. You are not the only one with these kinds of feelings.
If you feel like your experience of childbirth is the cause of these feelings, you can always come and talk to us about your childbirth, even if it has been a while. You can also make an appointment with our women’s coach Marlijn.
Marlijn has a lot of experience with pregnant women, women who have just given birth, and new mothers.
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