If you want to get pregnant, it is advisable to start by changing a few things about your lifestyle. The most important advice is to make sure that you have a healthy and diverse diet. Eat a lot of vegetables, fruit, wholegrain products, beans, oil, and nuts.

If you want to get pregnant, this is some important advice:
- Take extra folic acid, make sure to start 4 weeks before you may get pregnant. So a month before you stop using contraceptives.
Keep taking folic acid until you are 10 weeks pregnant. - Do not drink too much coffee and cola. Drink as little energy drinks as possible, preferably none at all.
- Vegetarian? If you eat little or no animal products, it is possible that you lack vitamin B12. Tofu or soy products do not contain vitamin B12, unless this vitamin has been added. If you have a vegetarian or vegan diet, it is a good idea to ask a dietician for advice.
Losing weight: before you get pregnant
Being overweight can negatively influence your fertility. Women who are overweight have more risk of complications during their pregnancy and childbirth. Our advice is to lose weight before you get pregnant, 10% weight loss already reduces the risks significantly, and you have a higher chance of getting pregnant. You can ask a dietician or your doctor for help.
If possible, do not use medication if you want to get pregnant. Medication can negatively influence the development of a healthy egg. It is possible that you need your medication, for example if you have a high blood pressure, asthma, depression, epilepsy or something else. In that case, it is not wise to just stop taking your medication. Consult with your doctor or specialist about which medication is the least risky for your pregnancy. Maybe there is an alternative medication available. If you have diabetes or a thyroid disease, it is important for your medication to be properly attuned to your situation.
For more information, check: https://deverloskundige.nl/zwanger-worden
Smoking, alcohol and drugs
Smoking, alcohol and drugs have a negative impact on fertility, and increase the risk of a miscarriage.
If you smoke, you are less fertile (man and woman), and smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of complications and congenital defects. So if you want to get pregnant, we strongly advise you both to quit smoking. Is it difficult for you to quit smoking? Ask your doctor for help or check www.stivoro.nl, www.rookvrijegeneratie.nl or www.ikstopnu.nl
Drinking alcohol around the time of conception increases the risk of a miscarriage, and during the first months of pregnancy it can lead to congenital defects. Alcohol also influences the quality of the sperm, so it will be more difficult to get pregnant. If you need more information, or help with quitting, check www.stap.nl and www.trimbos.nl
The use of drugs (soft and hard drugs) during the early phase of pregnancy increases the risk of a miscarriage and congenital defects. The use of drugs during pregnancy will cause (major) complications. Aside from that, the baby may have health problems after the birth. Stop using drugs if you want to get pregnant! If you need help with quitting: www.drugsinfo.nl and ask your doctor for help.
For more information about the risks of Smoking, alcohol and drugs during your pregnancy: https://deverloskundige.nl/zwanger-worden/subtekstpagina/127/roken-alcohol-en-drugs/