What makes our practice unique, is the fact that everything is available in one location. Aside from this, all the obstetricians who work with us are all specialised in an area of expertise.

Because there are a lot of additional areas of expertise, aside from our 'main job’ as obstetricians, it is impossible to be good at all the additional tasks. We believe that you can only be an expert in a certain field if you have focus and passion for it, and make sure that you can practice your expertise as often as possible. Multiple studies have shown that the more often you do something, the better you will be at it. All of our experts are regularly getting training, in order to keep their expertise at the highest level. Furthermore, we stay up to date on all the new developments in our area of expertise.
Aside from our area of expertise, we follow a lot of courses and trainings to improve our skills as obstetricians. We are all part of the professional organisation of obstetricians (KNOV). This also means that we have to follow annual courses and trainings, in order to maintain our license.
Everything in one location:
- Consultations every work day, with extensive opening hours.
- Open two evenings per week, for consultations and ultrasounds.
- Blood sampling, also for NIPT and combi and (oral) glucose test.
- All ultrasounds are done at our location.
- Certified for combination tests by the Stichting Prenatale screening Zuidwest-Nederland.
- Since recently, we also work together with a gynaecologist for gynaecological ultrasounds (via SALT).
- Versions can be performed at the practice.
- We are specialised in contraceptives.
- Women’s coach for extra mental support.
- Physiotherapy, pharmacy and doctors all-in the same building.
- TENS rental.
- Urine tests.
- Carrying sling consultation.
- Centering Pregnancy.
- Help with tongue-ties.
Areas of expertise:
- Centering Pregnancy (Tabitha & Marieke)
- Ultrasounds basic (Joanne, Tabitha, Agnes, Merel in training)
- 20-week scan (Annelies, Farida, Inge, Agnes)
- Combination test (Inge)
- External version (Catelijne)
- Contraceptives (Catelijne & Corrina)
- Gynaecological ultrasound & spiral check-ups (Dr. de Wit & Inge)
- Women’s coach (Marlijn)
- Carrying sling consultant (Catelijne)
- Severing tongue-ties (Annelies)
- Breastfeeding experts (Caroline & Marieke)