We try to customise our care to your personal needs as much as possible. So it is possible that we will offer you another care plan after talking with you. This is a general overview of what you can expect from us during your pregnancy.

What you can expect during a check-up with us:
8 weeks | 60 min. | Intake, blood pressure measurement, ultrasound cardiac activity, blood sampling, informative consultation |
11 weeks | 30 min. | Term ultrasound, determining due date |
16 weeks | 15 min. | Blood pressure measurement, listening to the heart with the doptone |
20 weeks | 40 min. | 20 weeks ultrasound (if ultrasound is not wanted, listening to the heart) |
24 weeks | 15 min. | Blood pressure measurement, external examination, listening to the heart |
27 weeks | 15 min. | Blood pressure measurement, external examination, listening to the heart, blood sampling on indication |
30 weeks | 15 min. | Blood pressure measurement, external examination, listening to the heart, blood sampling |
32 weeks | 15 min. | Blood pressure measurement, external examination, listening to the heart |
34 weeks | 15 min. | Blood pressure measurement, external examination, listening to the heart, advice when to call us when delivery start and discussing childbirth |
36 weeks | 15 min. | Blood pressure measurement, external examination, listening to the heart, short position ultrasound |
37 weeks | 15 min. | Blood pressure measurement, external examination, listening to the heart |
38 weeks | 15 min. | Blood pressure measurement, external examination, listening to the heart |
39 weeks | 15 min. | Blood pressure measurement, external examination, listening to the heart |
40 weeks | 15 min. | Blood pressure measurement, external examination, listening to the heart, explanation about being late-term |
41 weeks | 15 min. | Blood pressure measurement, external examination, listening to the heart, ultrasound amniotic fluid and heart activity, referral gynaecologist |